The Mystic Rose

Investigating a feminine perspective in Theology in complete submission to the Magisterium.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

First Conversation

The Co-Contributers' First Conversation - The Discovery of our Similiar Views and Passion for Philosophy and True Femininity

Snowcatpa: hehe, so what's up?
Snowcatpa: I got your message about Chris west and marian feminism
Snowcatpa: bummed I can't go
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: go you for being willing to drive!
Shekinah685: yeah i am psyched
Shekinah685: lol
Shekinah685: yeah well its on the way to my old school
Shekinah685: christendom
Shekinah685: heard of it?
Shekinah685: haha lol thats ok its a catholic college with like 300 undergrads
Shekinah685: so u go to dickinson what yer majoramation
Shekinah685: haShekinah685: whoa
Shekinah685: HAHASnowcatpa: hahah!
Snowcatpa: your words are funny
Shekinah685: scary
Shekinah685: HAHAHAH
Snowcatpa: I'm a history major
Shekinah685: coooooooooooooooooooool
Snowcatpa: I love history because I love learning everythhing
Shekinah685: i ws gonnamajor in that at christendom
Snowcatpa: and how things are the way they are, and what their meaning is and how they work with stuffSnowcatpa: serious?
Shekinah685: yes totally
Shekinah685: it swas awesome cuz it was like
Shekinah685: philosophy
Shekinah685: and why ppl think the way they do
Shekinah685: and lthe whole 10 yards
Snowcatpa: i love learning how people think the way they do!
Snowcatpa: i love thatSnowcatpa: i feel like i'd love philosophy
Snowcatpa: it's just....a lot of it has always turned me off, and i've been trying to learn why
Shekinah685: yes
Shekinah685: exactly
Snowcatpa: cause I love how people think differently
Shekinah685: yes ok
Snowcatpa: but so much of philosophy is the abstract thought with a = b but not C
Shekinah685: i have an idea like that
Snowcatpa: and not enough of why Aquinas said xyz after this or that
Shekinah685: when i went to christendom
Shekinah685: AHAHAHAHA
Shekinah685: YES
Shekinah685: YES
Shekinah685: OH MY GOSH
Shekinah685: its an I.O.
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: it plagues me Sophia!!!
Shekinah685: ME TOO OMY GODH
Snowcatpa: I love it! but I do'nt understand why it has to be the way the discipline defines it!Shekinah685: cassie
Shekinah685: it shoulden't be
Snowcatpa: and the way the boys do
Shekinah685: wheni went to chrtendmom
Shekinah685: EXACTLY
Shekinah685: aaah
Shekinah685: i can't type
Shekinah685: they ruin it
Shekinah685: ok
Snowcatpa: and it's so hard to explain why
Shekinah685: lol
Shekinah685: breathe
Shekinah685: ok
Snowcatpa: i've always felt there was something missing from teh majority of philsophy
Shekinah685: hers my theory
Snowcatpa: and i've trioed explaning to Jeff
Snowcatpa: but he's all like perfect
Shekinah685: what do u mean
Snowcatpa: and I"m all liek... grrr... i can't explain it
Snowcatpa: he's so smart, you have no idea
Shekinah685: uh yeah i do haha
Shekinah685: lol
Snowcatpa: and with teh patience of a true apologist
Snowcatpa: and I feel like an idiot
Shekinah685: no
Shekinah685: he's just book smart
Shekinah685: lol
Shekinah685: haha
Snowcatpa: hehehe
Snowcatpa: your theory!
Snowcatpa: share
Shekinah685: ok i 'm being mean
Shekinah685: but my theory is
Shekinah685: that lol
Shekinah685: philosophy is not meant to be the way it is that ppl learn it
Shekinah685: they always learn it FOR something
Shekinah685: llike for ex
Shekinah685: "phikosophy is the handmaid of theology"
Shekinah685: but thats making it for something
Shekinah685: and before i went to christendomS
hekinah685: i was a natural philosopher
Shekinah685: you are too i think
Shekinah685: its not memorizing a term
Shekinah685: its about thinking and questioning
Snowcatpa: i do that! all the time
Snowcatpa: i thin kabout everything
Snowcatpa: peopel think it's random
Snowcatpa: or meaningless
Snowcatpa: and it's not
Shekinah685: yeees
Shekinah685: yes ppl always are like um whatevre
Shekinah685: and then ignore it
Shekinah685: aaaaaaaah
Shekinah685: i am so youShekinah685: only not
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: LOL!!
Snowcatpa: I'm so glad we met Sophia
Shekinah685: are u golum
Shekinah685: haha
Shekinah685: HAHAHA
Shekinah685: schizo
Shekinah685: HAHA
Snowcatpa: hehehehe, sometimes I think so!
Shekinah685: me too
Shekinah685: ahh
Shekinah685: i am making you up
Shekinah685: HAHAA
Shekinah685: OMGOSH
Shekinah685: i just hate when ppl MKAE AQUINAS God
Shekinah685: HE's notShekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: ok just random thought
Snowcatpa: I KNOWShekinah685: breeeathe
Shekinah685: lol
Snowcatpa: all these men! (and by that I mean people too)
Snowcatpa: they're not perfect!
Snowcatpa: and aquinas
Snowcatpa: he's great, i'm sure
Snowcatpa: but i know what you mean
Snowcatpa: my theory that totally coexists with your theory
Snowcatpa: :Snowcatpa: all that people are concerned about is that 1+1 =2
Snowcatpa: that this logically leads to that or it doesn't
Snowcatpa: I am not disputing that 1+1 = 2
Snowcatpa: you're totally right!
Snowcatpa: butSnowcatpa: what are we counting?
Snowcatpa: whos' counting?
Snowcatpa: why are we counting?
Snowcatpa: was someone all like... woah... why is the number 1...1?
Snowcatpa: why are we even functioning in the base 10 number system?!
Snowcatpa: *breathing too
Snowcatpa: and how does the 1 work with teh twoSnowcatpa: like, what does my mom think of it?
Snowcatpa: is it pretty colored?
Snowcatpa: what do people feel about that?
Shekinah685: amen
Shekinah685: i love u
Shekinah685: hahah
Shekinah685: foreevr
Shekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: yeah todd and jeff drive me crazy
Shekinah685: and aquinas if i met him i'm sure i would love
Shekinah685: *him
Shekinah685: but i dunno
Shekinah685: haha
Shekinah685: i'm biased
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: I'm so glad I've found someone that totally gets what I mean when i say that
Shekinah685: YES I DO
Snowcatpa: and it's like... but that's not getting down to what it's about
Snowcatpa: but it is!!
Shekinah685: ok
Shekinah685: its as if
Snowcatpa: i 'd be in awe of aquinas if I met him too
Snowcatpa: but as of now
Shekinah685: there is this blindness of logic
Snowcatpa: it's kind of like why I don't like the civil war
Shekinah685: HAHAHAHAHAA
Shekinah685: as of now
Snowcatpa: I'll explain:
Shekinah685: ok
Snowcatpa: i'm a history major, in central pennsyvlania, and because people also have like a guy-view of what history is, and most guys like war and guns, 3/5 people i talk to who like history either say the like best the Civil War, Military HIstory, or the military history of the civil war
Snowcatpa: I do'nt have anything aginst the civil war - but when everyone keeps going on about it no one's gonna appreciate it!!
Snowcatpa: hence my feelings of commisseration with your Aquinas
Shekinah685: HAHA
Shekinah685: actually i wrote a rant about it on the soul gender thread
Shekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: about aquinas
Shekinah685: OMGOSh---its the same way with theology
Shekinah685: it s like a man thing
Snowcatpa: i know! I read it!
Shekinah685: and they can't see "past" reason
Shekinah685: aaaaaah
Shekinah685: oh lolSnowcatpa: I was like SsssssWEEEET Semper!
Shekinah685: i mean reason is reason
Shekinah685: but its not infallible either
Snowcatpa: youre right!
Snowcatpa: it's blinding
Shekinah685: HAHAHAHHA
Shekinah685: yeah it def.. can be
Snowcatpa: and emotion or intuition for them is like....there...
Snowcatpa: but they see it more as a hindranceShekinah685: even GK chesterton says that
Snowcatpa: we work with it
Shekinah685: yeah i see it as this
Snowcatpa: oh! oh!!!
Snowcatpa: i have a great ananaly!
Snowcatpa: analogy!
Shekinah685: HAHAShekinah685: ok
Shekinah685: lead on
Shekinah685: siser suffragate
Shekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: HAHAHA
Snowcatpa: I started reading alot on how men and women think differently
Shekinah685: uhuh
Snowcatpa: and drew an analogy for myself
Snowcatpa: ok, so there's this forest
Shekinah685: haha cool
Snowcatpa: and men are on the fores
tSnowcatpa: they're on the paths
Snowcatpa: the paths are pretty straight - they go from end to end, some diagonal
Snowcatpa: but the guys are all about stickin to the path
Snowcatpa: they want to get from Here There
Shekinah685: yes OMGOSOH
Snowcatpa: the quickest and least complicated way possible
Shekinah685: listen to this
Shekinah685: ok
Snowcatpa: I enter the forestS
hekinah685: lolSnowcatpa: and you do too
Shekinah685: yeah
Shekinah685: sorry
Snowcatpa: and we're like:
Snowcatpa: DUDE
Snowcatpa: COOL
Snowcatpa: we start fly ing around!
Shekinah685: AAAAAAHAA
Shekinah685: yeah
Snowcatpa: we're like... look! a path! but the...we're thiknin in teh trees
Snowcatpa: up down! we want to know which are maples and which are oaks
Snowcatpa: are are going in circles and spirals and just having a grand old time
Shekinah685: yer so great lol
Snowcatpa: we see that you can go from poitn a to point b
Snowcatpa: but we want to know how you guy there, and see the sights that really make the road an adventure, and enjoyable on the way
Snowcatpa: as 3are you!
Snowcatpa: what year are you btw?
Shekinah685: HAHAHAHAHAHShekinah685: um where were we
Shekinah685: i like yer icon
Shekinah685: pretty
Snowcatpa: thanks
Snowcatpa: I love flowers
Snowcatpa: JPII!
Snowcatpa: i was so excited to talk with you I didn't even notice!
Shekinah685: HAHAHAHAHA
Shekinah685: ,e too
Shekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: um umShekinah685: ok its like theres so much to say
Shekinah685: alla tonce
Shekinah685: i wish i coul telepathically opput my thought in you head
Shekinah685: lol
Shekinah685: and you could just say yeeah
Shekinah685: haha
Shekinah685: umum
Shekinah685: ok
Snowcatpa: LOL!!
Shekinah685: exactly
Snowcatpa: i have that thought too!!
Shekinah685: heres something ok
Shekinah685: contrary to ARISTOTLE
Shekinah685: that meen are the ones who are irreasonable BECASUE
Shekinah685: must included all factors
Shekinah685: and men are blind to including emotion in decision
Shekinah685: woman ionclude ebvverything
Shekinah685: AND
Snowcatpa: oh wow....
Shekinah685: i always thought it was a kindof brain damage
Snowcatpa: OH WOW
Snowcatpa: that's SO TRUE
Shekinah685: ok
Shekinah685: listen to this
Snowcatpa: they're the ones incomplete!
Snowcatpa: wow..
Snowcatpa: ok
Shekinah685: my friend mark told me
Shekinah685: well hopefull not imcomplete but thye can't really see the whole picture
Shekinah685: in decisions
Shekinah685: they don't factore it at all
Shekinah685: its like blinfdness
Shekinah685: to reality
Shekinah685: but mark said
Shekinah685: he learned in anthropology class
Shekinah685: what happens- HAHA we even tyope the same way
Shekinah685: -what haoppedn when the baby is int he womb
Shekinah685: if its a male
Shekinah685: all of a sudden there is a surge of testoserone
Shekinah685: in the brain
Shekinah685: which DAMAGES
Shekinah685: the brain, causinf something to be severed
Shekinah685: so men are incapable of takinf emotion into reason
Snowcatpa: that's CRAZY
Shekinah685: now-i know but its so true and once you know that it eexplains a lot
Snowcatpa: i just wish they could understand our way
Snowcatpa: i wish we could!Snowcatpa: but they're so one foucsed
Snowcatpa: we totally accept th ebenefits of their thinking!
Snowcatpa: why can't they ours?
Snowcatpa: outside of motherhood
Shekinah685: yyes they have to think a-b-c
Snowcatpa: even though it rocks in motherhood!
Shekinah685: we think a-c
Snowcatpa: we think... ABC DE FG! eveyrone sing!
Snowcatpa: wwait..
Shekinah685: yeah
Snowcatpa: why isa before d?
Snowcatpa: and what are we sinign about?
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: who was the caveman that made
Snowcatpa: a
Shekinah685: HAHA
Snowcatpa: silly caveman
Shekinah685: HAHAHAHA
Shekinah685: yeah wow
Shekinah685: oh i forgot to clarify what an IO is
Shekinah685: haha
Snowcatpa: that is that?
Shekinah685: u can know since u are a girl
Shekinah685: an IO
Shekinah685: is when we were like agreeing
Shekinah685: it stands for
Shekinah685: intellectual orgasm
Shekinah685: HAHA
Shekinah685: my firend hooly ansdd i made it up
Shekinah685: *holly
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: THAT;s GREAT!!!Snowcatpa:
Shekinah685: i know
Shekinah685: you can use it but you gotta give me creditShekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: kay? hahaSnowcatpa: word - ti's all yours Shekinah685: HAHAHAHAHAHHA
Shekinah685: oh!
Shekinah685: another thing
Shekinah685: wheni went to christendom- i forgot to finish this
Shekinah685: lol
Shekinah685: i was a natural philosopher
Shekinah685: like you are
Shekinah685: when i got to school and got into a PHILOSOPHY CLASS
Shekinah685: it was like killing itSnowcatpa: i do that! go back to thoughts
Snowcatpa: aww
Shekinah685: HAHA
Shekinah685: I really mispelled that
Shekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: right from the start
Shekinah685: you are not really learning philosophy
Shekinah685: PLUS
Shekinah685: my prof was soooo soooo
Shekinah685: good but horrible
Snowcatpa: oh man..
Shekinah685: like true but SO SO SO
Shekinah685: frustrating
Shekinah685: like ok well this is what is
Shekinah685: accept
Shekinah685: no reeeal questioning
Shekinah685: you know?
Shekinah685: just this is what aristotle said
Shekinah685: accept
Shekinah685: or die
Shekinah685: HAHA
Shekinah685: or just fail
Snowcatpa: oh that would annoy the heck outta me
Shekinah685: yuup it was horrible
Shekinah685: and thats how everyone at CC was
Shekinah685: wel we have the truth
Shekinah685: thats that
Shekinah685: never question anything
Shekinah685: ever
Shekinah685: unspoken rule
Shekinah685: death
Snowcatpa: *puts on pince-nezes and a snotty accent* explaing the aristotian system of ethics in a precise 500 words, explicating on the nature of indivudals and the divine
Snowcatpa: i'd dieShekinah685: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH ROFL
Snowcatpa: how'd you come to love it?
Shekinah685: yup i am trasferring
Shekinah685: HAHAHA
Shekinah685: well i love the good things hate the bad things
Shekinah685: i'm going to steubie next semester
Shekinah685: i'm gonna do creative writing/journalism instead of history alhtough i love history
Shekinah685: and btw the bad things are really bad
Shekinah685: the god things are really goodShekinah685: LOL
Shekinah685: *good
Snowcatpa: lol! you're going to go to Stube!!!
Snowcatpa: you're gonna hve SO much fun!
Shekinah685: yeah
Shekinah685: i know i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it
Shekinah685: love love love
Shekinah685: lol
Snowcatpa: what were the bad things/
Shekinah685: oh i am 07
Shekinah685: btw
Shekinah685: haha
Shekinah685: u are too
Shekinah685: ?
Shekinah685: hhmm bad things
Shekinah685: mostly the lack of questioning
Snowcatpa: 07?
Shekinah685: ton of hypocrasy
Shekinah685: too
Shekinah685: year graduating you asked
Shekinah685: LOL
Snowcatpa: lack of questiong....goodness! how is that college?!?!!?
Snowcatpa: without questioning?!
Shekinah685: um, yup
Snowcatpa: I really think one of the among a bazillion other amaizng things baout men and women
Shekinah685: what
Snowcatpa: is that sometimes, they're th eonly thing that can get the other toreally go down the path to seeing Christ