Baptismal Equality
When Saint Paul says in Galatians, there is neither Jew or Greek, slave or free person, woman or man... what does that mean exactly? I'll try to do some research and get back to this.
Investigating a feminine perspective in Theology in complete submission to the Magisterium.
At 3:48 AM,
Silabella said…
Hmm... I read somewhere that he was referring to the fact that Christ saves everyone. He was faced with the converted Jews who still argued that they needed to follow the Laws of Moses to be saved. But Paul argued that you didn't need to follow old Jewish law so much because God came into the world as man and set us free from the law. Rather, we live in Christ.
[As we know, not everyone agreed, and there's a passage in Acts, I think, at the first apostolic Council at Jerusalem, where St. James said they needed to follow xyz Jewish customs].
That's all I know at the moment :)
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